Women of the ELCA
Mary Circle meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7 pm for
Bible study. New members are always welcome, Check the
monthly church calendar for location.
The Quilters Group meets at church on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of
each month, at 8:30 am and is open to anyone with an interest or
desire to learn. Some members work at home on their own
schedule. The main mission is to make simple quilts
for Lutheran World Relief, but we also make quilts for our high
school seniors and for two Bible camps.
The Knitters Group gathers twice a month at 5 pm to share a meal,
talk about knitting/crocheting projects, and to assemble Baby Care
Kits for Lutheran World Relief. Some members also work on
making School Kits and Personal Care Kits which also go to
Lutheran World Relief. The group is open to all who are
interested. Check the monthly church calendar for exact dates and
W-ELCA members prepare and serve lunches for funerals and
other occasions as requested. Contact the church office if
you are interested in being placed on the workers list.
Altar Care members take turns preparing for our Sunday worship and
communion services. Contact the church office if you would
like be a part of this ministry.
The Christ Lutheran W-ELCA officers are:
President: Mary Jo Fetsch 608 323 3261
Secretary: Jo Deen Forsyth 608 323 7460
Treasurer: Judy Borchert 715 495 6380

Quilts created for Lutheran World Relief 2018
Breakfast Group
This group meets most Friday mornings, 7 am, at the Kozy
Kitchen in downtown Arcadia. Call Bob Scharlau, 608 323
7297 for information. New members are always welcome.
The Parish Education mission is to teach those who participate
in our programs through Christ centered active curriculum and
interactive events.
and family night
Wednesdays: Youth and Family Night once a month
Studies Available
Every Wednesday - 7th & 8th gr. confirmation, 4:00-5:00 pm
Ministry of Christ Lutheran Church
Living in the grace of Christ, providing opportunities for holy
play and service to others, we equip our youth to grow in
Christian faith.
The Youth Committee goals are:
1) To
develop a coordinated program for middle school and high
school ages
2) To include ALL youth, from our
congregation and the community, who seek to grow in faith
3) To provide both service activities and
fun opportunities
4) To provide a spiritual learning
experience in all youth events
The youth ministry of Christ Lutheran encourages all middle school
and high school youth to participate in worship services by
playing in the hand bell choir, ushering, reading scripture,
greeting, providing special music, running the projection
equipment, or providing nursery care. We encourage all youth to
enjoy a week at Luther Park Bible Camp or another outdoor Lutheran
ministry. We hope all our young people will come to our local
youth activities and invite friends
Watch the monthly newsletter and Sunday news notes for all
announcements of activities for middle school and high school
Be sure to
check our Facebook page for updates on youth activities and