Worship and Music at Christ
Lutheran Church
The Worship and Music Committee acknowledges that
everyone worships in different ways and our goal is to provide a
variety of music and worship styles to help each person build a
closer relationship with God.
Our committee meets monthly to plan and arrange worship needs such
as music, sound, projection, communion preparation, banner
display, and special services. Committee members include
Linda Backer (chairperson), Danielle Schock, Dan Sampson, Mary Jo
Fetsch, Judy Borchert, Joan Fetting and Rufus Kudee.
We are always grateful for your help, time, and talents in making
all our worship times special and meaningful. If you have an
interest in providing special music, preparing for communion,
running projection, streaming the worship service, helping with
the sound board and microphones, being an usher, decorating for
special services, etc. please talk to a committee member or call
the church office. We welcome your participation.
Worship Schedule: Sunday 9:00 am Worship
with Holy Communion
“Music is a fair and lovely gift for God. Next to
theology I give to music the
highest place and the greatest honor.” --Martin Luther
Hand Bell Choir—practice Thursdays 6:15 pm—all are welcome
If you would like to be a part of one of these
musical groups, please join us. Practice times will be
listed on the church calendar.
The Worship and Music Committee is very active in trying to
provide the congregation with a variety of worship styles, yet
never veering too far from our traditional worship. We hope
that through the music and worship at Christ Lutheran Church you
are able to find a closer relationship with God.

Casavant Opus 3547 pipe organ