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All Are Welcome

Sunday 9:00 am Worship

Ash Wednesday worship, March 5 7:00 pm

Lenten worship starting March 12, 2025

5:30-6:30 pm Soup and Sandwich
(Suppers are free, but freewill donations are accepted)
7:00 pm Lent Service

Sunday school 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month 10:00 am

In 2025 we will be celebrating our 150 year celebration on July 27, 2025.

Pastor Rufus Kudee full length photo
Pastor Rufus Kudee

Read up on what is going on at Christ Lutheran Church and check out the calendar

The service will also be available on Facebook live at 9:00 am Sundays and will be available on YouTube on demand around 11:00 am.
Our worship services are also available on WTCO channel 18/618 on cable and is also available for streaming from their website using the watch online live link at the bottom of the page or on a Roku via the Trempealeau County Access TV app. The Sunday worship broadcast airs the following week on WTCO Thursdays at 5:00 pm and Sundays at 11:00 am.
Christ Lutheran Church-ELCA Arcadia, WI facebook

Christ Lutheran Church, Arcadia, Wisconsin YouTube

Living and growing in God's amazing grace.

A donation can be sent to Christ Lutheran Church through Venmo to account Christ Lutheran Church-Arcadia
Christ Lutheran is registered with Venmo and can receive offerings electronically through this app via cell phones or computers. Our account name is Christ Lutheran Church-Arcadia! It is quite easy to download and extremely easy to use. If you have any questions about Venmo, call Tiffany and she would be glad to assist you.

Office hours: Pastor Rufus Kudee Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-3:00 pm
Church office admin. Tiffany Lambright: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 7:00 am-1:45 pm
Email: christlutheran@triwest.net

Check out our Facebook page for updates on youth activities and announcements


ELCA logo Christ Lutheran Church is part of the La Crosse Area Synod of the ELCA and Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Christ Lutheran Church drawing